As you begin on your podcasting journey, a pivotal choice awaits: Should you launch your own podcast or become a guest?

Consider these insights we’ve gleaned along the way working with our various podcast clients.

Launch Your Own Podcast

A Long-Term Investment with Significant Returns

Creating your podcast demands substantial effort, financial resources, and time. It entails procuring the right equipment, setting up a mini-recording studio, sourcing suitable guests, publishing episodes, and marketing your shows. Essentially, you’ll likely need a small team to assist you.

However, if you possess the time, resources, and commitment, it can be a brilliant choice. With your podcast, you gain complete control over your brand, and will cultivate a devoted fan base,

Guesting on a Podcast

A Stepping Stone

If you’re uncertain about podcasting’s suitability for you or lack the resources at this moment, consider starting as a guest.

This path demands less time and effort; you simply need to prepare and show up. The host handles the recording of episodes, and you can promote them as you see fit. Being a guest can provide you with reusable content, and networking opportunities with relevant individuals. Plus, it enhances your credibility.

But keep this in mind. It is common to think the host takes care of content distribution, exposing you to new audiences with minimal effort. True, but you can do the same as the guest. YOU can expose your host to new audiences with minimal effort by using as much content from the episode as possible in your outreach channels.

Understanding Your Host or Guest

Do Your Homework

Whether you’re hosting or appearing as a guest, diligent research is vital. Familiarize yourself with your host or guest’s background, company, and ongoing projects. This demonstrates respect, prepares a foundation for meaningful conversation, and signifies your commitment to the show and the relationship.

Consider this: Would you want to spend an hour with someone who knows nothing about your business? Likely not.

Podcasting Facilitates Networking

Isn’t That What We All Want?

Often overlooked, podcasting serves as a networking platform for building relationships, whether you’re a host or guest. That is the main goal of the podcast interview format. It’s an excellent avenue to connect with like-minded individuals, especially those interested in podcasting, who seek networking opportunities to grow their ventures.

Maintain contact with the people you meet through podcasting and express your interest in potential business collaborations.

Stay True to Your Niche

Avoid Broad Topics

Stick to your niche. Resist the temptation to cater to a global audience or discuss overly generalized subjects. Focus on your area of expertise, be specific, and target the right audience. While having thousands of listeners is enticing, having 200 who are genuinely interested in your content is more valuable than 2,000 who are lukewarm or disinterested.

Collaborate with a podcast guesting service. If you’re ready to launch your podcast or become a guest but need assistance, consider enlisting the services of a podcasting company. Think of them as an extension of your team, well-versed in the intricacies of podcasting, particularly if you’re a newcomer.

In essence, if you’re struggling to secure guest spots or launch your podcast due to time constraints, consider outsourcing to experts.

Thoughtful planning in your podcasting strategy pays dividends. Initial progress may be gradual, and it might take a year or two to see substantial results, but the journey is worthwhile. Maintain consistency, and you’ll reap the rewards in the years ahead.

Enjoy the Benefits of Being a Host or Guest

• Expanding your message to a fresh audience with minimal effort.

• Boosting brand visibility.

• Cultivating new relationships that may lead to partnerships.

• Establishing authoritative backlinks for SEO.

• Enriching your content calendar with new, engaging material.