What’s On Our Mind

Podcast Professionals Association Launches

2024-09-27T22:47:20-04:00press release|

Why My Podcast Guy ™ joined the PPA: Being part of the Podcast Professionals Association gives me access to exclusive resources and educational content that keeps me ahead in this fast-paced industry. The webinars, workshops, and certification programs are game-changers for anyone serious about podcasting. If you’re looking to upskill and stay competitive, the PPA is where you need to be!

Alternatives to TikTok: Transitioning Your Audience Seamlessly

2024-09-18T14:59:04-04:00podcast marketing, podcast success factors, social media|

As the potential ban on TikTok looms, businesses and content creators are faced with the challenge of finding new ways to engage their audience and continue their digital marketing efforts.

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